Sunday, September 09, 2012


TI CX Navigator Class Set up

Class Set Up

I wanted to use it Day 2 of school. And I tried to, but I didn't realize that the router wasn't working (see previous day post), and on top of that, all the handhelds were still in Press-To-Test mode from Spring Final Exam testing. So basically #EPICFAIL. Once I got the router working and the hats linked, I was in business for Day 3.

Adding classes was really easy because if you have ever imported class rosters into software before, this way was a breeze. Even easier was the breeze that I only had to import one file with each student already associated with a class. In my import file I had the students last, first names, student ID, username, and class as columns in the csv file. I decided on a username structure of firstname+first two letters of last name (example JaneSm for Jane Smith). The only problem came when the first name had 8 or more characters (thanks Christopher), but I got around that by changing his username to ChrisXX. The reason I didn't go by just first name is that the class can't have users with the same username in the class as well as in all of your classes.

So I was able to import all 5 classes with one file. Since it was the beginning of school, my roster changed every day. If it was a student transferring from one class to the other, all I had to do was select the student in the class, right click, and move to one of the existing classes.  If it wasn't a current student, I just had to add them manually with the information I needed.

I did allow for the option of the students creating their own password, but made sure they wrote it down in their Interactive Notebook for posterity stake.

My coworker attended a 9 day Teacher Cadre on the TI Nspire and had a Scavenger Hunt worksheet to get students used to the Nspire, so I had the students work though that to get used to the handheld. (For almost all of them, it was brand new.)

FYI: Students forget everything so I posted the Nspire CX  poster on one of my chalk boards and next to it, I added some familiar hints: How to login, How to Submit a Poll, How to Open a File, and How to Clear Handheld.

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